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Testing and Calibration in Low Resource Settings


The Amalthea Trust is working together with it's partner organisations within the European Network for Medical Engineering in Low Resource Countries (ENMELC) to produce a series of fact sheets with alternative procedures for testing and calibration in low resource settings. This is envisaged to be a series of practical, low tech methods, accessed by smartphone or in paper form, which can be used in situations where none of the equipment normally used for these procedures is available.

The concept was proposed at the most recent meeting of the ENMELC group in Dublin back in September 2019, where we were hosted by The Equals Initiative. Other organisations present included HUMATEM, Human Bridge and others, and the WHO as always were interested in any outputs from the meeting and will be directly involved in this new initiative.

The photo shows Martin Worster from Amalthea Trust addressing the group in the lovely surroundings of the Old Library at the Royal Irish College of Surgeons in Dublin.

We will be calling on the experience and know-how of our volunteers to contribute ideas to this initiative, and welcome any communications on this topic from BMEs with direct experience of working in these settings. Once the various contributions have been brought together there will be a process of validation where practical tests will be carried out to see how effective the various procedures are.

If anyone reading this feels that they could contribute then please contact us using the contact details on this website.

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