July/August saw an unexpected return to Tegbareid college in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Unexpected because the original arrangement between the Dutch organisation (CINOP Global), Tegbareid and Amalthea was for two 2-week periods in 2017/2018. However, the course organiser at Tegbareid requested a two-week course for a selection of biomedical students drawn from around the country. I was available and agreed to return to Ethiopia and continue the work of my previous two visits.
The course organiser asked for a program to cover a variety of medical equipment including devices ranging from defibrillators to ICU ventilators. Fortunately, the college has a good selection of medical equipment available which can be used for demonstration and practical session. The latter includes the students removing the covers and discovering the inner components.
All the students were enthusiastic and keen to learn with some showing an in-depth theoretical knowledge of many aspects of the subjects. In the classroom I was ably assisted by a member of the college teaching staff.
This was my third visit and was every bit as rewarding as the first two. There are even faint whispers of another visit next year!
Ray Emslie